Traditions & Ceremonies
Join groupA lot goes behind the scenes of an Indian wedding. Your wedding ceremony is only the first step towards that new journey. Find all about the ceremonies and traditions that make this the most beautiful chapter of a person's life. Discuss which ceremonies to host and how to make your wedding memorable.
I didn't know either!!!! It's only when his dadi told him this that we gotta know about it! 😂Isn't the name funny? We wondered why would it be called so?
What all traditions and ceremonies are perfomed in a Kashmiri wedding?
These are such creatively taken pictures!😍 At first, I thought I was looking at a framed picture of the bride!
I have never experienced Gujarati wedding traditions! Gonna experience the same real soon!!!
Tell us how are you going to rock your Sangeet night people! Fill in the blank: I'm gonna dance on __________ on my Sangeet
Be it an intimate wedding or a grand I really wish to dress up to the fullest on my D-day! What do you guys think?
To all my cousins who live in other cities! How are you guys doing it? Though couriers or posts or how?
That's exactly what they said "If it doesn't have a champagne wall, we're not interested"🥂 🍾
What's the best think you like about an Indian wedding?
I know its been so so late but because of covid, it got a bit tricky!!🤷♀️ but I'm home finally!
Just wanted to grab some details
Hehe I really like this cute ceremony but I am not sure if this happens in reality too!😂? Does it? Coz I have only seen it in films and serials only yet!
And, I got to know that she is getting married next year. I really wish to experience Sikkim tradition!!!
We were discussing at home and everyone had a different opinion on the same! What do you guys know about it?
What would you guys opt for your sangeet function??
I mean do they just have all their rituals done in a gurudwara or have other ceremonies like phera and varmala ceremony separately too?
I have seen a lot of brides doing this and I know I am going to be one of them, but I really wanted to know the strong reason behind this! 🙈
This tradition is one of the funniest and memorable!! Haha, I am sure I am going to win!!
The wedding rituals are so pure!!!! Have you guys heard of the same? Or even attend?
This bride sat in his father's lap during some phera ceremonies in a lot of her pictures! Is it some sorta tradition guys?
Just so i can wear the same after my wedding, and remember her all day every day!
Hey, you lovelies!! Wedding is all about sass and blast!! It's the right of every bride-to-be to look the best on her D-day! Let's see which design gets the most hits!! Which Kalira will you opt for...
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Are you going to sink in the vibe of 'Din Shagna Da' or going to tap a foot on 'Shava Shava' on your bridal entry?😍🤔 Weekday Poll: A Simple or A Rockstar Bridal Entry? 😎😊
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Check These Out Ladies🤩😎😁 Aren't they cool?
Oh myy! Girls! its gonna be real tough!! Can't we just skip this part somehow😩
Or we can enter anytime?
I am drooling over intimate weddings these days!!! 🧡🧡🧡
How exciting that moment would be. I really wish to experience this pure ritual !! 😮
This choora is very very beautiful yaaa lovinn it😍 How do you like these?
But people can literally pull out a joke on any and everything!! Lol dude like seriously 🤣 this? I laughed like crazyy imagining it🤣🤣
Y'all can get it made if you have a ritual of cutting a cake on your weddings!