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Congratulations, you did it! We are so happy for you! Share your experience of how your wedding was an exhilarating mix of sugar, spice and everything nice! Tell us how it went and post a picture or two, as we're dying to see your wedding!



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Do you guys go shopping together?
Noor, The 21 December, 2019 at 16:18

I am a shopaholic whereas he hates wandering in malls. That's a really big problem!!

Shreyas, tuesday 14-Jan-20 4 43
How long will you wait to be parents?
Noor, The 21 December, 2019 at 14:53

Are you giving a gap for having kids after marriage? We are confused

October, tuesday 14-Jan-20 3 38
Couple counselling
Wandering, The 21 December, 2019 at 12:39

Anyone ever tried therapy? Share experiences if any.

Aalia, thursday 9-Jan-20 3 36
Who is going to kill bugs? You or your partner?
Wandering, The 14 December, 2019 at 19:14

I hate bugs, and i am sure he is going to kill them because, ehhh I fear bugs!! How about you? Are you goimg to kill them or your partner?

Wandering, tuesday 7-Jan-20 5 52
My brother-in-law
Wandering, The 20 December, 2019 at 12:39

I have a feeling he doesn't like me much. Is there a foolproof way of knowing for sure?

Wandering, tuesday 7-Jan-20 2 40
Never Have I ever....Drunk texted my EX
Surbhi, The 23 December, 2019 at 15:35

Have you ever been guilty of drunk texting your ex? Or was it a blissful experience?

Khushi, friday 3-Jan-20 4 51 1
Never have I ever.....sneaked through my fiance phone
Surbhi, The 30 December, 2019 at 12:35

Have you ever thought of keeping an eye on your partner? And felt guilty? Never Have I ever is still on! Here comes another question, Never have I ever.... sneaked through my fiance phone

Khushi, friday 3-Jan-20 3 39
What's your new year resolution for your relationship?
Surbhi, The 1 January, 2020 at 10:35

Happy New Year Folks!!!! Are you making a New Year's resolution? Does it involve your relationship? Maybe you resolve to fight less? Maybe you resolve to go on more date nights or maybe you resolve to...

Paavnee, thursday 2-Jan-20 4 39
Where are you couples partying on Nye?
Rudra, The 30 December, 2019 at 12:25

It's just a day away and I still don't have any plans. What are you all up to?

Veer, tuesday 31-Dec-19 3 56
Tara Nair
Romantic Nights
Tara Nair, The 18 December, 2019 at 17:51

Romantic Dinner Or a romantic walk? We love going on long walks! Walks are for deep conversations and throughout decisions and we excel in doing the same!

Roma, friday 27-Dec-19 7 63 2
You And Your Bae's Favourite Location
Surbhi, The 17 October, 2019 at 11:26

So the vacation period is already on the head and I am super excited to know about the desired location. What is your and your boo's most preferred location? What all the lovely things you do on a...

Zaid, friday 27-Dec-19 5 43
Tara Nair
Who all are getting married on the first day of the new year?
Tara Nair, The 29 November, 2019 at 12:44

Hey, this sounds so exciting!! Who all are getting married on the first day of the new year?

Tara Nair, friday 27-Dec-19 3 41
Tara Nair
He sleeps early - i don't like
Tara Nair, The 14 December, 2019 at 11:28

I love talking on the phone at night. But, he sleeps early. I hate it sometimes Does it happen with y'all too?

Tara Nair, friday 27-Dec-19 3 36
Tara Nair
Do you guys talk about your past?
Tara Nair, The 16 December, 2019 at 17:15

Are you guys comfortable in sharing your past? I have shared everything with him. How about you?

Tara Nair, friday 27-Dec-19 7 52
Tara Nair
Staying with In-laws
Tara Nair, The 17 December, 2019 at 17:18

I have decided to stay with my in-laws. It'll take time to adjust but i am happy! How about you?

Tara Nair, friday 27-Dec-19 4 51
Hot chocolate
Aashna, The 19 December, 2019 at 11:05

Best hot chocoate place in town? Hubs-to-be and I love it and want to try the best one in town.

Aashna, friday 27-Dec-19 3 49
Do you guys poop with open door or closed?
Aashna, The 14 December, 2019 at 23:37

I trust my partner to the fullest and can do anything when he is with me. Even when it comes to pooping with door open!

Aashna, friday 27-Dec-19 4 42
Good night kiss
Ahana, The 21 December, 2019 at 13:00

I have made a deal with him, that we will share a goodnight kiss no matter what. Does that sound silly? hehe

Ambika, thursday 26-Dec-19 2 40
Tara Nair
How often do you guys fight?
Tara Nair, The 21 December, 2019 at 15:44

We fight once in a blue moon. I wonder how often do you guys fight?

Ambika, thursday 26-Dec-19 4 39
Common bank accounts
Harleen, The 21 December, 2019 at 16:29

We are planning to have one mutual bank account which will only be kept for all the expenditure and expenses! What do you guys think? Is anyone of you planning the same?

Ambika, thursday 26-Dec-19 3 52
Khushi, The 20 December, 2019 at 17:43

I love getting pictures clicked and when it comes to him? He's a total opposite. I dont know how arw we going to manage are wedding pictures! Haha

Simran, monday 23-Dec-19 3 41
Exchange of Gifts
Shanaya, The 20 December, 2019 at 14:11

It's almost been 4 years and we still exchange gifts. Do you guys follow this?

Simran, monday 23-Dec-19 3 45
Chivalry is not dead
Adeline, The 21 December, 2019 at 13:01

He still opens car doors for me. Isn't that just adorable. Blessed with the best.

Aalia, monday 23-Dec-19 2 35
How many kids are you going to have?
Noor, The 20 December, 2019 at 15:30

We have busy schedules and keeping our future in mind we are planning to have 2 kids. How about you?

Harleen, sunday 22-Dec-19 3 45
Favourite festival
Shreyas, The 20 December, 2019 at 11:20

We love Holi. You guys?

Khushi, sunday 22-Dec-19 3 40
Bhabhi-devar Relation
Bhavika, The 19 December, 2019 at 11:59

I am so thankful, i got a brother-in-law who is so understanding and nice. He is definitely my bestfriend. Anyone feeling the same?

Khushi, sunday 22-Dec-19 3 355
How old were you when you two met?
Surbhi, The 7 November, 2019 at 09:38

Hey lovely people, As we know love is something eternal and enduring. How old were you when you met your better half? How old was your boo?

Khushi, sunday 22-Dec-19 10 119
Favourite Things To Cook
Khushi, The 18 December, 2019 at 11:53

We love cooking whenever we are togethe. We cook fish and chicken and it is so much fun ith him. Do you guys cook together?

Chetan, saturday 21-Dec-19 5 55
Forbidden to enter home
Noor, The 20 December, 2019 at 10:31

I hate any kind of incenses. I can't stand that type of smell. How about you?

Ambika, friday 20-Dec-19 2 42
Karnika, The 17 December, 2019 at 17:31

I strongly believe the fact of appreciating your partner with positivity and motivation. And, being with my partner I make sure he is acknowledged well and expect the same from him!

Ambika, friday 20-Dec-19 2 34
Coffee or tea person?
Shanaya, The 20 December, 2019 at 12:18

He loves tea and i love coffee. He can never like coffee for somewhat reason. What are you?

Shanaya, friday 20-Dec-19 3 38
Division of bills
Shanaya, The 17 December, 2019 at 11:32

We have decided to divide the home bills. Any which ways we are going to live together and these things are really important for a happy marriage life.

Aalia, friday 20-Dec-19 5 43

