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Congratulations, you did it! We are so happy for you! Share your experience of how your wedding was an exhilarating mix of sugar, spice and everything nice! Tell us how it went and post a picture or two, as we're dying to see your wedding!



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Do you share cheesy and kinky jokes?
Yashwi, The 16 December, 2019 at 16:28

We do share kinky jokes! Haha, it's fun! How about you?

Priyum, tuesday 17-Dec-19 4 42
First night after the wedding!
Priyum, The 25 November, 2019 at 17:13

Hey, Are you guys planning to opt for a resort or a hotel on your first wedding night, or are you staying at home?

Priyum, tuesday 17-Dec-19 3 69
Love Cum Arranged
Ahana, The 17 December, 2019 at 09:39

Ours was a love cum arranged relationship. But, I want to travel with him for a bit before the wedding approaches. I feel that traveling together is going to help us understand each other a lot...

Tamanna, tuesday 17-Dec-19 4 45
Tara Nair
Who Proposed?
Tara Nair, The 16 October, 2019 at 15:51

Who Cracked the proposal? You or your FH?

Priyum, tuesday 17-Dec-19 3 45
Coffe or Tea
Zaid, The 16 December, 2019 at 11:31

Are you a coffe lover or tea lover? I am a CHAI person

Paavnee, monday 16-Dec-19 3 37
Daily Routine
Shanaya, The 16 December, 2019 at 11:24

I keep a daily check on his routine. It makes him feel wanted and i feel safe! Do you?

Noor, monday 16-Dec-19 3 39
i am the one who calls the most
Meera, The 15 December, 2019 at 14:17

Does your partner call you more or is it you always making the first move? For me, I think I call most of the times

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 3 40
i love you texts
Janette, The 15 December, 2019 at 13:00

I like showing my care and love to my partner and every morning I text him with an Ily message. When was the last time you said, “I love you?” Is it you or your partner who says it more often?

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 3 45
How do you like to spend your weekend?
Nikita, The 6 December, 2019 at 17:37

What is that one thing which holds you and your partner together on the weekends? I love to snuggle and binge watch with him!

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 3 43
Favourite Dinner Place
Disha, The 5 December, 2019 at 16:25

Hey Guys, Which is you and your boo's favourite dinner place? Ours is DEAR DONNA, QUTUB!

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 3 39
Excited Much? Excited Much.
Disha, The 7 December, 2019 at 15:05

Guys, I am excited about my D-day. Like, there is already a lot to cover but still, I can't control the butterflies in my stomach. Is this even normal? Haha, of course, it is!! Is anyone feeling the...

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 3 50
Are you dominant or your partner?
Ambika, The 14 December, 2019 at 11:02

In my relationship, he's the one who lives on the stage of dominance! Haha

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 3 44
Do you guys have any secrets?
October, The 14 December, 2019 at 19:13

Um, i have a secert. I am definitely going to approach him for the same. And, i know he will get my thing. Do you guys have any secrets?

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 3 43
Date Nights
Shubhika, The 14 December, 2019 at 18:17

How often would you go on dates post shaadi? I am just hoping we go out every weekend or once in every 2 weeks.

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 3 38
What are your three favourite colours?
Khushi, The 15 December, 2019 at 19:04

What are your three favourite colours? Ours is, Black, Royal Blue, and Dark Brown.

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 5 49
i love to get pampered
Tamanna, The 15 December, 2019 at 14:05

Who needs more attention? In my case, it is ME

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 4 40
How to politely tell your in-laws that you don't know how to cook?
Adeline, The 21 November, 2019 at 17:57

Okay, I don't know anything about cooking - nothing. Maggie and omelets are as far as my cooking skills go. How to politely tell my in-laws that I don't know the basic A, B, C, D of kitchen and...

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 2 46
Cannot eat spicy food
Tamanna, The 15 December, 2019 at 14:04

Cannot stand spicy food and he eats spice with food, literally. I always try to get on his level but fail!

Harleen, monday 16-Dec-19 2 37
Have you been totally honest in your relationship
Tamanna, The 14 December, 2019 at 12:31

Do you have a secret that could break you apart or you have told your partner about every single thing? This has been making me uncomfortable for a while now. Just want to see what you girls think...

Ahana, monday 16-Dec-19 2 36
Dishes after dinner
Sakshi, The 14 December, 2019 at 13:07

Are you planning to keep a maid to do your dishes? Or you guys will divide daily chores to get things done? I haven't made up my mind yet on this. I just want to see what most of you are planning to...

Ahana, monday 16-Dec-19 2 34
Just thinking about my partner makes me smile
Meera, The 14 December, 2019 at 12:26

Does this happen to you too? I smile just thinking about his name ya, it is so embarrassing at times too

Wandering, monday 16-Dec-19 2 32
i can't wait for my bestfriends wedding!
Khushi, The 13 December, 2019 at 17:29

My friend and her partner are travel bloggers and they are getting married next year! Gawd, I am so excited as they are planning to host an international wedding. I have so much in my head right now!...

Wandering, monday 16-Dec-19 2 107
Learning how to cook for FW
Shreyas, The 12 December, 2019 at 14:17

This is just an overshare guys... She has no idea but I have started to learn how to cook. I really want her to have the best of everything and I felt that cooking for her sometimes in the future is...

Wandering, monday 16-Dec-19 2 47
i don't want to stay away from my mother after marriage!
Yashwi, The 10 December, 2019 at 15:37

What would I do without her? I know I am going to have a new lifestyle and loving in-laws but I am already sinking in in the fact of being away from my mother. What to do?

Wandering, monday 16-Dec-19 2 42
How to ask your partner?
Simran, The 10 December, 2019 at 14:53

Hi, So, I have been noticing a bit of change in my partner. It can be because of work pressure but going on the lower side, I wish to sneak in his phone. I know I am being an insecure one here, but I...

Wandering, monday 16-Dec-19 2 39
Are you going to wear your engagement ring 24/7?
Priyum, The 5 December, 2019 at 13:06

Are you going to wear your engagement ring for a lifetime or going take it off on special occasions? I am definitely not going to remove the gesture of togetherness!

October, monday 16-Dec-19 2 39
Does your partner handle stress well?
Meera, The 15 December, 2019 at 11:25

He shuts me out everytime we have an argument or disconnect. Initially I put up with it but now I don't want to, I want him to share what he is thinking with me. Anyone facing a similar issue?

Zaid, monday 16-Dec-19 2 37
Aakriti, The 15 December, 2019 at 12:45

Sometimes I do trust my partner and the other times I get confused. I dont know if that makes me a bad person or not. What do you guys think? Does it happen to you too?

Zaid, monday 16-Dec-19 2 31
i sleep with too many pillows
Aakriti, The 15 December, 2019 at 13:36

I sleep with too many pillows. After wedding he would expect me to spoon him instead. Oh god, I am so used to pillows haha, freaking out a little tbh. Whose with me on this?

Meera, monday 16-Dec-19 2 32
Can't call mil ma and aunty sounds too distant
Rudra, The 11 December, 2019 at 17:03

It's been almost 3 years and I'm still uncomfortable calling my mother in law ma and aunty for some reason sounds too distant (which obviously I dont call her as). Most of the times, it ends up being...

Aakriti, thursday 12-Dec-19 2 119
To be Saas
Aalia, The 4 December, 2019 at 15:19

What if we don't get along? Does anyone ever feel this anxiety? Or is it just me?

Tamanna, thursday 5-Dec-19 3 43
Who has a better memory?
Aashna, The 4 December, 2019 at 17:43

Whether it's remembering birthdays, anniversaries, passwords, or whatever. Who has better memory? You or your Fiance?

Zaid, thursday 5-Dec-19 3 35

