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Congratulations, you did it! We are so happy for you! Share your experience of how your wedding was an exhilarating mix of sugar, spice and everything nice! Tell us how it went and post a picture or two, as we're dying to see your wedding!



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Plans for Weekends
Khushi, The 16 December, 2019 at 13:51

Do you guys make proper plans for the weekend or it's an on the spot kinda thing?

Boshika, wednesday 18-Dec-19 5 44 1
Your song
Aalia, The 16 December, 2019 at 10:41

What is your favourite couple's song? Ours is Him & I by Halsey & Closer by Chainsmokers

Ahana, wednesday 18-Dec-19 3 41
Who Is Getting Married In 2020?
Surbhi, The 17 October, 2019 at 11:28

This post for every person who is getting married next year? Pop this discussion with your Name, Wedding Date, and Wedding Location?

Shreyas, wednesday 18-Dec-19 5 50
How to break the news to parents & meet in-laws for the first time
Shubhika, The 17 October, 2019 at 11:51

I have been living-in with my boyfriend for over a year and we have finally decided to break the new to our parents, can you suggest how should I prepare to meet my would-be in-laws, what should I...

Shreyas, wednesday 18-Dec-19 5 61
2020 Brides Come Share Your Love Story
Vandini, The 21 October, 2019 at 17:15

Hello, fellow brides & brides-to-be 2020 brides come share your love story. When did you know he/she was the one? We cannot wait to hear your special love story and see beautiful snapshots of your...

Shreyas, wednesday 18-Dec-19 5 55
Craziest Wedding Dream
Ambika, The 18 October, 2019 at 11:57

What's the most exciting and most demented dream you have ever had for your wedding?

Zaid, wednesday 18-Dec-19 4 45
First Diwali Post-Wedding?
Vandini, The 18 October, 2019 at 17:04

Hi, lovebirds, is it your first Diwali post-wedding? How are you planing to celebrate this glorious festival with the love of your life and your family? Do share pictures, yes? We'd love to revel in...

Zaid, wednesday 18-Dec-19 3 50
Show off your wedding ring!
Surbhi, The 22 October, 2019 at 08:49

What kind of shape setting is your engagement or wedding ring is? solitare? An elegant infinity? Band? Emerald? Diamonds?

Zaid, wednesday 18-Dec-19 4 55
Who Changed Their Name?
Surbhi, The 30 October, 2019 at 16:08

Hey you all, Let's discuss something interesting. Who all have changed their name or are going to change after their D-day? Pen Down Your Views!!

Zaid, wednesday 18-Dec-19 3 42
Have you ever lied to your partner?
Paavnee, The 10 December, 2019 at 11:59

OMG, I can't even imagine I lied to my partner. Like, it's for the first time I have been through this. Not for a major reason but for something which I can't express right now. I am sure it's for our...

Paavnee, wednesday 18-Dec-19 3 39
Long Distance Relationship
Disha, The 31 October, 2019 at 12:22

Do you believe in long-distance relationships? Is it feasible to stay away from your partners? I can't be without my man and the maximum time we have stayed apart is 1 month and it was a blast for my...

October, wednesday 18-Dec-19 3 45
Pre-wedding Jitters??
Aakriti, The 5 November, 2019 at 09:29

Anyone feeling the pre-wedding jitters yet?

October, wednesday 18-Dec-19 3 46
What is the best thing about moving in with your partner?
Sanjana, The 18 November, 2019 at 15:35

Hi Girls, I always had this question and to stop myself from stressing about plannings and preparations I was thinking about how amazing and lovely it will be to finally move in with my future...

October, wednesday 18-Dec-19 3 43
Changes after wedding
Ahana, The 22 November, 2019 at 12:32

This is for all the married folks out there. So I have always been curious. Is it really all flowers and candle light dates even after the wedding? I have heard a lot of my married friends tell me...

October, wednesday 18-Dec-19 3 46
Going to parents house after wedding
Boshika, The 22 November, 2019 at 12:42

Girls, how often do you visit your mom's dad's house after the wedding? This has been circling in my mind for the longest time. I have had mixed feelings about this. Some people tend to say that not...

October, wednesday 18-Dec-19 3 53
Shubhika, The 17 December, 2019 at 12:13

Just found out that my FH is in some debt. He still wants to rush the wedding. I want to wait for a while, till the finances are all cleared out. I am putting off the date of wedding due to this. He...

Shubhika, tuesday 17-Dec-19 4 44
Joint family or nuclear set up
Ahana, The 14 December, 2019 at 18:37

Are you moving into a joint family or a nuclear set up after marriage? We are going to stay in a flat near our workplaces

Boshika, tuesday 17-Dec-19 2 40
Adeline, The 14 December, 2019 at 18:44

Have you ever spoken about having kids? Does your partner want kids? I don't and I have a feeling he does. But, I don't want that to be a deal breaker in our relationship. And, sometimes this really...

Boshika, tuesday 17-Dec-19 2 40
Ego killin it
Shreyas, The 14 December, 2019 at 18:52

Do you guys ever let ego win between you two? I at times don't give in because I don't want to be the first one to accept defeat. Anbody who feels the same way?

Boshika, tuesday 17-Dec-19 2 35
Too much alcohol suddenly
October, The 15 December, 2019 at 11:39

Lately he has been drinking a lot. I am not comfortable. Tried talking to him about it. Don't think it went well. I am kind of consfused here because we are engaged now & tbh this shouldnt be...

Boshika, tuesday 17-Dec-19 2 45
He wants ac & i don't
Wandering, The 15 December, 2019 at 13:41

He needs AC even during winters and I just cannot tolerate cold. I am so worried about this. How will we even survive in the same room together? Anybody facing the same problem? I don't think mine has...

Boshika, tuesday 17-Dec-19 2 38
Saturdays off from work?
Janette, The 16 December, 2019 at 14:49

You both have off days on Saturday? My husband-to-be has office on alternate Saturdays. I wish he didn't though. I would have gone for a road trip every other week lol

Boshika, tuesday 17-Dec-19 3 37
i am the one who cribs the most
Ambika, The 15 December, 2019 at 14:34

Hello, It's me! Haha, I am the one who cribs the most when it comes to handling situations and making decisions. I am lucky I have him by my side. Ughh, what would I do without him? Who's the one...

Shreyas, tuesday 17-Dec-19 3 47 2
Is your partner also your best friend?
Zaid, The 14 December, 2019 at 18:25

Does this hold true for you as a couple? I don't think it does for me. We are friendly but then we have our fair share of ups and downs

Shreyas, tuesday 17-Dec-19 3 41
Favourite Season
Noor, The 15 December, 2019 at 20:36

We love winterss! All sunggly and cosyyyy! How about you?

Paavnee, tuesday 17-Dec-19 5 42
Do you guys prefer dinner night or clubbing?
Noor, The 16 December, 2019 at 17:40

What do you guys prefer? I am both a silent person and a party animal! What are you?

Paavnee, tuesday 17-Dec-19 5 43
Who is more moody?
Sakshi, The 2 December, 2019 at 14:47

Which one of you is more moody? Who throws more tanstrums?

Paavnee, tuesday 17-Dec-19 5 44
Do You Get Jealous?
Surbhi, The 22 October, 2019 at 09:01

Everyone has their own space and giving out healthy jealousy is okay but having that green-eyed monster on your head? Is the low part. How good are you in handling relationships?

Priyum, tuesday 17-Dec-19 5 91
Who Is The Better Cook?
Surbhi, The 22 October, 2019 at 08:53

A relationship is all about love, understanding and good food, who is the better cook amongst the two of you?

Priyum, tuesday 17-Dec-19 5 50
Fill in the Blank: I wish ___ was not so expensive
Surbhi, The 22 October, 2019 at 08:59

Hey guys, Which wedding cost has to lead you under the bars of stress? Is it a big-ticket like a wedding planner, photographer or just a minor one?

Priyum, tuesday 17-Dec-19 6 61
Who is a better dancer? You or your partner?
Disha, The 4 December, 2019 at 16:24

Everyone loves to dance, who's the better dancer amongst you two? My FH dances really well!

Priyum, tuesday 17-Dec-19 4 39
Are you a spender or a saver? i am a saver!
Bhavika, The 15 December, 2019 at 15:01

I am the one who saves more! Who spends or save more? I love saving man!

Priyum, tuesday 17-Dec-19 3 36

