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Congratulations, you did it! We are so happy for you! Share your experience of how your wedding was an exhilarating mix of sugar, spice and everything nice! Tell us how it went and post a picture or two, as we're dying to see your wedding!



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Share your Favourite Wedding picture!
Surbhi, The 17 October, 2019 at 12:00

Hi Lovelies, How did your wedding go? Did you click pictures? Please pin your favourite picture and share your experience!

Aalia, friday 20-Dec-19 3 48
Dream Home
Priyum, The 17 December, 2019 at 10:29

Last night, I and my partner were discussing our dream home. We ended up living in a beach bungalow. We are definitely looking forward to this. And, keeping all the things and situation in mind? Our...

Aalia, friday 20-Dec-19 4 45
Friend Circle
Tamanna, The 17 December, 2019 at 11:14

Do you guys hang out with each other's circle? He has met almost every single friend of mine but I haven't felt that inclusive honestly. Is that normal?

Aalia, friday 20-Dec-19 4 42
i am the one who says sorry first!
Paavnee, The 15 December, 2019 at 14:48

It does'nt matter if it's his fault or mine, i am the one who says sorry first! How about you guys?

Shreyas, friday 20-Dec-19 4 50
Meeting friends after shaadi
Shreyas, The 16 December, 2019 at 13:08

How often are you planning to meet your friends after wedding? Did you guys ever talk about it. We haven't but I would really like to have a word about this

Shreyas, friday 20-Dec-19 4 47
Do you compliment each other ?
Arti, The 16 December, 2019 at 14:50

I compliment him twice or thrice a week! Do you guys compliment each other daily or once in a blue moon?

Shreyas, friday 20-Dec-19 4 42
Christmas Celebration
Disha, The 19 December, 2019 at 11:42

I am planning a day out with my fiance. How are you guys celebrating christmas?

Shreyas, friday 20-Dec-19 1 31
nye plan
Boshika, The 20 December, 2019 at 09:47

Haven't made a scene yet. What is everyone planning to do on New Year's eve?

Shreyas, friday 20-Dec-19 1 37
Arguments Arguments Arguments!!
Arti, The 15 December, 2019 at 19:15

Um, Fights are normal in a relationship. But the point is who argues the most? I always fail to reach the level of arguments and eventually give up. I don't like fighting! Who argues the most netween...

Boshika, friday 20-Dec-19 3 38
What are your guys Dream Car?
Simran, The 15 December, 2019 at 20:22

Everyone has their dream car. Ours is, Merc GLE. How about yours?

Boshika, friday 20-Dec-19 3 40
Time with in-laws
Ahana, The 16 December, 2019 at 11:57

Do you enjoy spending time with your in-laws? I have mixed feelings. Sometimes it is good and other times I cannot wait for it to end

Boshika, friday 20-Dec-19 3 45
Adeline, The 16 December, 2019 at 12:25

Do you ever mind when your partner doesn't shave or keeps his hair unkempt? I have a thing for neat and presentable look. He lets the stubble be at times and I don't like it. But, i also don't want to...

Boshika, friday 20-Dec-19 3 45
She snores
Shreyas, The 16 December, 2019 at 14:12

She snores and has no idea. I want to tell her this without catching her off gaurd. Tips guys, tips on how to say it out loud without asking for a death wish.

Boshika, friday 20-Dec-19 3 39
Ahana, The 18 December, 2019 at 11:26

I love clubbing. How do I convince him to promise me that we'll go clubbing twice a month -_-

Bhavika, thursday 19-Dec-19 3 44
Displaying wedding pictures
Priyum, The 18 December, 2019 at 12:27

I am planning to create a full wall of our wedding pictures. Is it a good idea to opt for this thing?

Bhavika, thursday 19-Dec-19 4 49
Best thing about moving in with your partner?
Bhavika, The 17 December, 2019 at 18:06

I am focusing on how awesome it will be to finally live with my partner. The thing i have obsereved is he loves to sing while driving. Have you sensed anything?

Bhavika, thursday 19-Dec-19 3 40
Same political beliefs?
Shreyas, The 17 December, 2019 at 11:44

Do you support the same political party? We don't haha. And it's fun to have different opinions.

Bhavika, thursday 19-Dec-19 3 38
Planning a pet
Arti, The 18 December, 2019 at 11:21

We are planning to keep a a dog after marriage. Anyone else who is planning on this?

Bhavika, thursday 19-Dec-19 3 44
Retirements Plans
Khushi, The 17 December, 2019 at 14:52

I am so excited for the wedding, that we have already decided are retirement plans. Have you?

October, thursday 19-Dec-19 2 39
Working together
Meera, The 17 December, 2019 at 15:06

We come from a finance background. The line of work is same too. Sort of considering applying for a job in the same company. I have mixed feelings. Is it advisable to work in the same space as your...

October, thursday 19-Dec-19 2 38
Anxiety Issues
Arti, The 17 December, 2019 at 16:27

I am getting married really soon and started having anxiety issues. Despite everything, I have my partner who consoles and motivates me every second. Like, it's hard to gulp the fact of staying away...

October, thursday 19-Dec-19 2 42
His driving
Tamanna, The 18 December, 2019 at 16:18

I am scared of his rash driving. It feels like too fast too furious

October, thursday 19-Dec-19 3 45
Did your partner ever call it quits?
Niharika, The 17 December, 2019 at 16:07

During times of conflict did you or your partner ever call it off, even if that means temporarily? He has done it twice in the recent times and I am not comfortable with this behaviour anymore. Any...

October, thursday 19-Dec-19 2 35
Black mirror
October, The 18 December, 2019 at 12:55

He just doesn't stop watching this show. It is too dark for me. Does it happen to you guys as well? I wish he stopped watching it and then filling my head with its summary.

Wandering, thursday 19-Dec-19 2 36
Who is the most romantic?
Shanaya, The 18 December, 2019 at 14:26

I am the one who excels when it comes to romance. How about you?

Wandering, thursday 19-Dec-19 2 47
Living together
Janette, The 17 December, 2019 at 14:46

I really want us to move in together for a month or three. My parents are okay with it. His family is not. What can I do or say to convince them? Please give me suggestions. I desperatley need them

Wandering, thursday 19-Dec-19 2 38
Is your partner your mom dad's fav too
Wandering, The 18 December, 2019 at 14:20

My mom loves him, but dad is so-so with him. What's your equation like? And do you think this could matter 10 years from now?

Wandering, thursday 19-Dec-19 2 40
Gymming after wedding
Noor, The 18 December, 2019 at 17:02

Will you guys opt for a morning workout after marriage? We are planning to opt for the same!

Aashna, thursday 19-Dec-19 3 34
Love or Arrange Marriage?
Priyum, The 25 November, 2019 at 17:17

Hey guys, Are you guys having a love marriage or an arrange?

Priyum, thursday 19-Dec-19 3 41
Stalking game strong!
Priyum, The 15 December, 2019 at 22:45

I go crazy when it comes to stalking. I don't leave any social media platform. Also, I am sure of being aware of every bit of his life! Haha, this is real fun. Do you stalk your partner?

Boshika, wednesday 18-Dec-19 4 42
Are you both a foodie?
October, The 16 December, 2019 at 11:44

We sure are. We love trying new places and cuisines. For all couples who are, visit Nagpal's in Amar Colony, they have lipsmacking cholle bhature. Share your favourite food joint and dish too.

Boshika, wednesday 18-Dec-19 4 46
Checking partner's phone
Noor, The 16 December, 2019 at 13:27

Um, i dont have a habit of creeping into my partners phone. But yes, i have checked it twice. Do i need to check it more regulary or what

Boshika, wednesday 18-Dec-19 5 44

