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Congratulations, you did it! We are so happy for you! Share your experience of how your wedding was an exhilarating mix of sugar, spice and everything nice! Tell us how it went and post a picture or two, as we're dying to see your wedding!



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Who's the first person you told about the proposal?
Nikita, The 3 December, 2019 at 17:30

The proposal is a big surprise in its way! Who was the first person that you just couldn't wait to tell? My best friend was the first person who got the news!!

Aakriti, wednesday 4-Dec-19 2 32
Who messages the most in a day?
Nikita, The 3 December, 2019 at 17:20

I am asking this question out of anxiety. Um, Who texts the most in a day? Because I am a 24*7 texter and I really don't like when he replies late!

Aakriti, wednesday 4-Dec-19 2 32
Who was a bigger flirt?
Ambika, The 3 December, 2019 at 17:12

Um, Who was a bigger flirt amongst you two? You or your fiance? In my case. obviously it was me. Haha!

Aakriti, wednesday 4-Dec-19 3 43
What made you know that he was the one?
Janette, The 2 December, 2019 at 16:35

How did it happen for you? How did you know that this person was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? I mean it is such a sweet and different feeling, right?

Aalia, wednesday 4-Dec-19 3 40
Do you believe in a long distance relationship?
Simran, The 25 November, 2019 at 12:20

Hey, Do you guys believe in a long-distance relationship? So, my boyfriend is moving to Canada for some business work. Though it's for 6-7 months, still I am feeling a bit uneasy when it comes to...

Niharika, tuesday 3-Dec-19 2 45
Facebook Status
Ahana, The 25 November, 2019 at 13:31

I was just wondering. Will he or will he not change his facebook status from 'single' to 'married'. I am kind of curious haha. Anybody else who stresses about these silly things?

Niharika, tuesday 3-Dec-19 2 41
Phones & finger prints
Janette, The 25 November, 2019 at 14:19

Guys do you have your finger print on your partner's phone? Did you ever sneak up to check his/her phone? *wicked smile*

Niharika, tuesday 3-Dec-19 2 39
Do you guys ever fight?
Disha, The 26 November, 2019 at 10:54

Having disagreements is a part of every relationship, Do you remember your very first fight? Do you guys ever fight?

Niharika, tuesday 3-Dec-19 2 35
Weekend plans
Nikita, The 27 November, 2019 at 13:08

Hey guys, As we know, the weekend is approaching, I am planning to go out with my boyfriend. Most probably, we'll be going for an after-party. How about you? Where are you guys going this weekend? ...

Niharika, tuesday 3-Dec-19 2 37
Are you planning a reception speech?
Bhavika, The 27 November, 2019 at 15:00

Hey guys, I am planning to give an appreciation speech on the reception day. Who all are in the same league?

Niharika, tuesday 3-Dec-19 2 39
Whose bff is getting married next year?
Harleen, The 28 November, 2019 at 17:06

Hey Peeps, My best friend is getting married next year and I have got zero chills. I've been the most hyperactive person lately because I cant wait to see her start her new life journey with a bang....

Niharika, tuesday 3-Dec-19 2 38
Who has a bigger familiy?
Aashna, The 29 November, 2019 at 11:36

Who has a bigger family? You or your fiance? I have a high number of family members!

Aalia, tuesday 3-Dec-19 2 32
Christmas is Coming!
Simran, The 29 November, 2019 at 12:14

Hi people, December is my favourite month and I can't wait for Christmas. What are your plans for the 25th of December? I am planning to go on a dinner date with my FH!

Akshara, monday 2-Dec-19 2 31
Getting married in to a veg fam
Aalia, The 22 November, 2019 at 13:10

What a struggle it will be. Guys and girls anyone who went through the same? Wherein you had to either totally give up or refrain yourself from eating non-veg at home? Also, did you ever try to sneak...

Ahana, monday 25-Nov-19 2 45
Just Ex Talks!!
Bhavika, The 25 November, 2019 at 12:42

Hey, I have been noticing my partner talking about his ex a lot lately. Though it's in a normal tone, still I feel a bit awkward when it comes to handling the "Ex" topic. Does your partner talk about...

Ahana, monday 25-Nov-19 2 28
Is It Righteous To Start a Travel Blog?
Disha, The 1 November, 2019 at 14:16

Hey Ladies, I am in a relationship from the past three years and getting hitched in a couple of years. I always wanted to start a travel blog with my better half but never had a surety about the...

Rudra, tuesday 19-Nov-19 2 46
Find Out What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Love Life?
Vandini, The 21 October, 2019 at 17:21

Were you always smitten by what the stars had in store for you? Share with us your sun sign and that of your spouse and we'll analyse all about your personality and compatibility. Zodiac Signs &...

Vandini, friday 8-Nov-19 32 200
Living Together
Karnika, The 31 October, 2019 at 12:13

Hey beauties, I and my future husband are planning to shift in together and explore every single thing just for our own good. Is it a good idea to stay in live-in before the wedding?

Karnika, friday 8-Nov-19 4 78
Sakshi, The 1 November, 2019 at 14:32

With almost 4 months to my wedding, lately, I have been noticing that my in-laws have already started being nosy. Their expectations have seemed to skyrocketed since the engagement and tbh it is all...

Adeline, friday 8-Nov-19 2 38
Who is the most affectionate in your relationship?
Surbhi, The 6 November, 2019 at 09:33

Love is that one word which binds the meaning of feelings and emotions and that's what brought everyone to this community. So? Let's talk about love!! Who is the one who takes the lead and initiates...

Sanjana, thursday 7-Nov-19 3 50
How to survive a joint family? HELP
Boshika, The 17 October, 2019 at 11:33

I will be staying in a joint family after I get married and I have never stayed in a big family. Can you girls help me with any tips which can help cope better with in-laws post my wedding?

Shubhika, tuesday 5-Nov-19 4 108
Who said it? I cant wait to marry you?
Surbhi, The 22 October, 2019 at 08:56

Let's make this quick and interesting? Who said 'i can't wait to marry you' recently? Bonus points for those who will text their fiance right now and tell them!!

Priyum, thursday 31-Oct-19 3 56
Last Text to your Fiance
Surbhi, The 22 October, 2019 at 08:46

What was the last question you exclaimed to you FH? Let's prattle up some interesting reverts!

Paavnee, wednesday 23-Oct-19 3 46
Who is My Twin Bride-to-be?
Meera, The 21 October, 2019 at 17:23

Hi girls, what are your wedding dates? Mine is on the 17th of December. Who is my twin bride-to-be?

Meera, wednesday 23-Oct-19 5 48
Do You Netflix And Chill?
Surbhi, The 21 October, 2019 at 17:24

Hey Lovely People, Do you and your FH, binge watch show together? Do you have your favourite series? Do you Netflix and Chill?

Salman, wednesday 23-Oct-19 6 57
How many times have you Travelled Together?
Yashwi, The 18 October, 2019 at 12:21

Till day how many locations have you and your better half travelled together?

Yashwi, tuesday 22-Oct-19 4 41
How many kids (and pets) your finace wants to have?
Veer, The 18 October, 2019 at 12:23

Hey people, I am a legit Cynophilist and wish to have 2 dogs after my wedding and of course kids too!! What's your take on this?

Veer, tuesday 22-Oct-19 4 45
Few months to go
Aalia, The 14 October, 2019 at 13:04

Geez! Cannot believe my wedding day is a few months away! It still feels pretty dreamlike!

Ahana, monday 21-Oct-19 7 55
Too Excited for my wedding!
Adeline, The 14 October, 2019 at 11:33

I can't wait to marry! I feel so overcharged like I cannot even! I feel super overwhelmed. New house, new people, new routine! Any tips on how to combat these overwhelming mood swings that make me...

Akshara, monday 21-Oct-19 2 47
The Countdown - How Many Days Until Your Wedding?
Niharika, The 14 October, 2019 at 11:15

Hey Y'All! How long since you and your FH been together for? And, how many days until your big day is finally here and you take your Saat Pheras & wedding vows?

Shreyas, monday 21-Oct-19 5 60
Yashwi, The 14 October, 2019 at 13:09

Finally, the day is here when I can look back on my wedding day!! The day could not have gone any better. I and my hubby are extremely up with a bunch of love and happiness. I still could not get out...

Ahana, monday 21-Oct-19 3 41
Lets Binge watch!
Zora, The 14 October, 2019 at 12:44

I and my FH are in a live-in relationship, and to make it a bit lively I want some fun TV series to binge-watch with him. Suggest some options, please.

Niharika, monday 21-Oct-19 5 43

